Pearland Texas Flood Insurance

Pearland Texas Flood Insurance

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Exponential growth of a city is one of the best ways to tell that something special is happening in that area. Pearland, Texas is one city that epitomizes this thought. As of 2010, the growth of the city has been so great that it landed Pearland the number fifteen spot on the list of fastest-growing cities in the United States. With so many new residents, it’s not hard to imagine that many of these new citizens are not familiar with some of the ins and outs of life in Pearland, including the city’s flood risk.


For Pearland residents who are just now learning about the need for flood insurance in the city, there are a few important factors to consider. Learning where the city’s Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) are located is a must. SFHAs are areas of land that have a one-in-four chance of flooding at least once during a thirty-year period. Homes located within these areas that were purchased through government programs are required to be covered by a flood insurance policy. Some private lenders have also begun to follow suit and require that their clients be insured for floods.

Pearland Flood Risk Facts


Government officials in Pearland, Texas list several bodies of water and their floodplains as the areas of the city most likely to flood. Those bodies of water are:

-Clear Creek     -Cowart Creek     -Corrigan’s Ditch

-Mary’s Creek   -Hickory Slough

Property owners whose investments are located in areas of Pearland that are not in SFHAs may question the need to purchase a special policy at an additional cost. What many of these property owners may not know is that their standard homeowners or business insurance policies do not cover flood damages. With just a small amount of floodwater able to cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage, choosing not to obtain flood coverage can mean financial ruin down the road. Premiums are certainly an additional cost, but seem like a relatively small investment when a flood comes along.

Pearland residents new to the flood insurance game may not know who to see about purchasing a flood insurance policy. Currently there are only two programs that supply flood insurance policies in the Lone Star State. The first is the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This is a government-backed program that was, for a long time, the only flood insurance provider in the United States. Individuals who wish to purchase a policy through the NFIP can talk to any number of local, regional, and national insurance carriers for assistance. The second is the National Catastrophe Flood Insurance Program (NCIP). The NCIP is a privately underwritten program and is currently offered by a few select agencies in a select number of states.

The city of Pearland is certainly an “on the grow” location, gaining thousands of new residents each and every year. There is always a lot to learn those first few months in a new location, and learning about the city’s flood risks as well as flood insurance policies should be at the top of any new Pearlandian’s “to-do” list. A moderate investment of time and funds today can provide considerably more peace of mind down the road when a flood does occur. Contact us now for more information about the Pearland Texas flood insurance.

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All information is general in nature and is intended to provide guidance only. It is up to you to request specific coverage options, the agency and agent do not bear this responsibility. Always read the policy if there is a questions about coverage or a claim. If any information herein should conflict with your actual policy’s specific language, the policy language will be controlling.

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